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Transfer your Visual Studio Enterprise subscription to another Azure tenant


Chances are that you are reading this because your company gave you a Visual Studio subscription and you have activated your free monthly Azure credits while still being logged in with your company’s AzureAD account, resulting in associating your Visual Studio Enterprise MPN subscription to your company’s Azure AD tenant, which usually has a couple of drawbacks:

So for example, creating your own Azure Landing zone will not be possible as you will need full access to the tenant and all subscriptions.

Best practices

To use your monthly Azure credits to the fullest, you should link this subscription to a new Azure AD tenant, or greenfield tenant for which you have full administrative access and can build and test from scratch without interfering with any existing resources or copy with any limitations.

Fortunately, there is a way to move your Azure subscription to another Azure AD tenant.


External collaboration settings

With all these requirements covered, lets get started!


Invite/create guest account in source tenant

Accept the invitation

Validate Guest user and assign subscription permissions

Add role assignment

Move the subscription to the target tenant

Subscription options

The move will take some time to refelect on both subscriptions. Give it about 20 minutes and click refresh and repeat until you no longer see the subscription in the source tenant and are able to see the subscription in the target tenant. Do not proceed to the last step until this is ok.

Remove Guest account from the source tenant

Finally, we can clean up the guest account in the source tenant.

-The easiest way to do this is by using your own tenant account and going to

Closing notes

I hope this article will help you to migrate your Visual Studio Enterprise (or any) Azure subscription. If you want to migrate a subscription with resources to a different tenant, have a look at this article: Transfer an Azure subscription to a different Azure AD directory | Microsoft Learn